Carlaminda Bee Experience
This is something a tad different today, today I wanted to share a wonderful experience I had at Carlaminda.

So I am a very very new beekeeper, I picked up my very first hive on about a week ago and am absoluely loving it, if not slightly terrified I might forget something with the little buzzies. Having always been fascinated with bees, and knowing I wanted to keep my own hives, my partner gave me a wonderful voucher to the Carlaminda bee experience.
This was the best thing ever for a budding beekeeper!
The lady out there, Helen, was extremely willing to teach me the basics of what I needed to know, especially knowing my keen interest to keep my own hives.
First we got suited up and got our smoker going, definitely recommend a little blow torch, and ran through a few basics before heading down to the hives!
I must admit, I have never been so excited, as you get closer and closer, you can hear the hum and buzz of thousands and thousands of tiny wings beating industriously, and smell the rich, sweet smell of honey and wax. The bess just buzz all around you without a care in the world, all the are thinking of is their hive and supplies.
Gently smoking our bees, we cracked open my very first hive, and golly gosh! So many bees!
You hear the gentle crack of the propolis, and the smell of honey hits you. It's honestly intoxicating.
With bees all over my suit and flittering around my head, Helen kindly explained the ins and outs of how do do a hive inspection, what to look for, how to pull out frames, and what the Queen looks like! I must say, definitely better than any of ours!
Holding up a frame full of honey to the light has to be one of the most stunning sights, perfect hexagons filled with liquid gold, uniform one after the other, and wafer thin but so strong, was a breath taking sight. I even got to see a bee hatching and taking her first steps, magical.