Interview With A Gardener - Mrs Standish

This gardener is very near and dear to my heart, she has become a very dedicated gardener with the time she has, is teaching her little one all about food and how it grows, and achieves beautiful produce with a small area.

Here it is. Interview with a gardener - Mrs Standish

What is your favourite thing to grow?
That I've grown- pumpkins are fun, because they come in so many shapes and varieties, and there's so much food per pumpkin.
I'm trying to grow garlic for the first time, and I'm super excited bout that. I think that will become my favourite if it works.

What do you find most rewarding thing to grow? 
Peas, because my little one loves peas fresh out of the garden, I love to see her face light up for fresh peas 🫛 

What first inspired you to get into gardening? 
I've never been interested in gardening, but when I got my house with space to do whatever I wanted, first thing I did was a veggie garden, Mum always had a veggie garden in each house we lived in, and it seemed so satisfying to feed your family out of a hobby, it's peaceful, therapy you can then eat.

What is one tip you'd like to give to a fellow Green thumb?
Start small, too much can be overwhelming, and don't forget routinely fertilising.

How do you decide what to grow?
What we eat, no point growing something we don't like. That being said, always good to have an easy fail proof crop that can give you a confidence boost if needed.

Can you tell us a bit about your garden?
I mainly grow veggies, herbs some flowers for pollinators, in a continuous keyhole style garden, with trellises for climbing plants. The majority of the backyard will be grassed, lined with fruit trees, and the front yard is currently bare, sandy dirt as I haven't got round to it yet.

Tell us a bit about you?
I am late 20s , married, with a young child.

What do you find is your most useful resource ? 
Google, everything can be found from google.

How do you control your weeds?
Hand pull.

How do you start your seeds?
I've only recently started so I have not found the best way for me yet, but I have not had success with germination rates, or keeping bought seedlings alive either.

She has a wonderful bunch of ladies, (and a gentleman), and gorgeous little bubs cheeping around the place. Also some beautiful muscovy ducks, these and the chickens provide beautiful fresh eggs daily.


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