Happy New Year - Gardening Tips
2025, where did 2024 go? Oh well, the new year sparks new projects in the garden, and maintenance of the old ones. It sparks new and bright ideas of things we'd like to accomplish, I think every gardener will have a bucket list of dreams for this year.
In case you missed it, last year, March-ish my partner and I moved back down south and our new home is a bit of a blank canvas.
So a few of mine include:
. Finishing the chicken area
. Building my veggie garden
. Planting some trees to start developing a canopy for future ideas
. 'Enclose' the patio
. Remove half of my front lawn (winter)
So just a couple of small projects...
My chicken house being built out of repurposed materials, is an old swing set, repurchased tin and wood.
A few tips for the new year, now is the time to plant out second batches of colour; petunias, portulaca etc. Really making the most and extending that colour, just remember to keep watering.
Trim and dead head those gardenias that have now finished flowering.
Check your mulch and make sure it's still at an adequate depth, reapply if required.
Inspect your garden for any pests, if you get in early then you can use natural solutions like soapy water, milk etc.
Lastly, as always, deadhead your roses ready for the next flush.
Happy gardening, and feel free to share your goals for your garden 2025.
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