HoneyBee's Bucket List Of Australian Native Trees
My wonderful partner recently asked me about plants that I've had and lost and plants I would like and that made me realise I have a bucket list, of trees! So today I thought I would explore these and share some with you, perhaps sparking your own bucket list?
. Acacia denticulosa - Sandpaper Wattle
This gorgeous medium shrub to small tree, that to me, is something different. Its leaves are uniquely textured, feeling, you guessed it, like sandpaper with little bumps in it. The plant also feels a touch sticky, especially around the new growth. It is relatively quick growing with golden yellow 3-8cm flowers.
. Banksia integrifolia - Coast Banksia
I know it's not the most flashy of the banksias but i still love it. Growing slowly up to 15 meters tall it creates a stunning floral display and attracts the wildlife. It's also nice and hardy.
. Grevillea robusta - Silky Oak Grevellia
Oh gosh I love these, quickly becoming a decent size tree (10-15 meters - usually closer to 15), when in flower they are truly an amazing mass of bright amber orange.
. Xanthostemon 'Fairhill Gold'
Becoming a small tree, Fairhill Gold makes a stunning feature in any garden with its flashy show of bright yellow flowers. It is also fabulous for nectar feeders and pollinators which is one of it's biggest attractors for me and my wildlife!
. Brachychiton acerfolia - Illawarra Flame Tree
Naturally growing to 40 meters, in most gardens this slow growing tree reaches 10-20 meters and is deciduous with bright crimson flowers!
. Brachychiton populneus - Kurrajong Tree
I couldn't and still can't decide between the acerfolia and the populneus, so I have included both! This Brachychiton is evergreen and reaches about 20 meters in height, with it's cream and pink striped flowers it makes a beautiful shade tree.
. Acacia acuminata - Raspberry Jam Wattle
Growing roughly 5 meters by 3 meters wide, this tree is beautiful and versatile. The seeds are also edible, the indigenous Australian people having used the seeds for centuries to make flour. When the wood is cut it is also said to smell like raspberry jam - which is how it got it's name! It's also a beekeepers delight!
. Nuytsia floribunda - WA Christmas Tree
No one notices these until the Christmas season begins, then it's on! A massive and incredibly stunning display of golden prange/yellow flowers. Technically it is a semi-parasitic growing between 3 and 10 meters. This hardy tree prefers well-draining soils and lots of sun.
Please, feel free to share your bucket lists below, or plants you've already got off your lists!
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